Today is my birthday, I just hope my children get to eat full meals

Today is my birthday, I just hope my children get to eat full meals

Kily was a mother on the edge. A stray dog, she had given birth to three puppies on the harsh streets of the city. Her maternal instincts were a fierce force, driving her to protect and provide for her litter. Today, her birthday, was a stark contrast to the joyous celebrations she might have imagined.

Hunger was a constant companion. She scavenged for scraps, her body lean and taut from the relentless pursuit of food. Her puppies, tiny replicas of her, were growing at an alarming rate, their demands for nourishment increasing by the day. Today, the hunger was particularly acute. Their whimpers, a constant reminder of their empty bellies, tore at her heart.

She was a ghost in the bustling city, a shadow that moved with the rhythm of the streets. People hurried past, their eyes fixed on the ground, oblivious to the struggling family at their feet. The world was a harsh mistress, offering little in the way of compassion.

As the day wore on, her strength waned. She was a mother on the brink, her body a testament to the relentless demands of motherhood. The puppies, sensing her weakness, huddled closer, their tiny bodies seeking warmth and protection.

As night fell, Kily found a sheltered spot beneath a bridge. The city lights were a distant, cold beauty, offering no warmth or comfort. She curled around her puppies, her body shielding them from the cold. In the darkness, she dreamt of a world where food was plentiful, where her puppies were healthy and happy. But when she woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face.

Another day had passed, another birthday marked by struggle. Kily was a mother on the edge, her love for her puppies a beacon in the darkness of her life. She would continue to fight, to scavenge, to protect. For in the heart of this homeless dog, there was a love as vast and enduring as the ocean.
