Normally I am an unloved dog because I am ugly. But today is my birthday, can I receive love from everyone?

Normally I am an unloved dog because I am ugly. But today is my birthday, can I receive love from everyone?

Sun, from the moment he opened his eyes, he knew he was not like the other puppies. His body was misshapen, his gait awkward. The other puppies would play and tumble, their bodies full of energy and grace. Sun could only watch, his heart aching with longing.

Today was Sun’s birthday. A day marked by loneliness rather than celebration. He could hear the laughter and playful barks of the other dogs, a cacophony of joy that seemed to mock his own solitude. He longed for the affection he saw bestowed upon his littermates, the pats, the cuddles, the endless stream of praises.

He remembered the day a little girl had come to the shelter. Her eyes had widened in curiosity when she saw him, but then they filled with pity. She had reached out to touch him, her hand hesitant. Sun had wagged his tail, his heart pounding with hope. But then she had turned to a different puppy, her face lighting up with delight.

That day had marked a turning point. Sun realized that his difference was a barrier, an invisible wall between him and the world. People looked at him with pity, sometimes with disgust. It was as if his physical deformity was a reflection of his soul, a sign that he was unworthy of love.

As the day wore on, Sun curled up in a quiet corner. He was tired of being pitied, of being seen as a tragedy. He wanted to be loved for who he was, not for what he looked like. He closed his eyes, imagining a world where he was accepted, where he was celebrated. But when he opened them, he was back in the harsh reality of his existence.

Another year had passed, another birthday marked by loneliness. Sun was a puzzle piece that didn’t fit, a mismatched color in a world obsessed with perfection. Yet, deep down, he was still a puppy, a creature longing for love and companionship.
