Today is Nai’s birthday, but no one knows it’s her birthday. She was abandoned and chained to a pole on the side of the road.

Today is Nai’s birthday, but no one knows it’s her birthday. She was abandoned and chained to a pole on the side of the road.

Nai, a small, gentle mixed-breed dog with soft, brown fur and soulful eyes, lay quietly beside a pole on the side of a busy road. Her eyes, usually filled with curiosity and warmth, now reflected deep sadness. Today was her birthday, though no one knew it. She had turned three years old, but there was no celebration, no special treats, no loving pats on the head. Instead, she was abandoned, left alone and chained to a cold, metal pole.

The bustling city around her moved on without notice. Cars zoomed by, people hurried past, all caught up in their own lives. Nai’s stomach growled with hunger, but more than that, her heart ached with loneliness and confusion. She didn’t understand why she had been left there, why her owner hadn’t returned, or why no one seemed to care.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, and the heat became almost unbearable. Nai panted heavily, her water bowl long since emptied. She watched the people passing by, her eyes silently pleading for help. Occasionally, someone would glance her way, but they would quickly look away, too busy or too indifferent to stop.

As the day wore on, Nai’s cries grew weaker. Her once-perky ears drooped, and her tail lay still. She thought about the days when she was loved and cared for, when she would run through fields, play with her toys, and snuggle with her owner. Those memories felt like a lifetime ago, replaced by the harsh reality of her current situation.

In the late afternoon, a young girl named Lily was walking home from school with her mother. She noticed Nai immediately, her heart breaking at the sight of the sad, chained dog. “Mom, look!” she exclaimed, tugging on her mother’s hand. “That dog needs help!”

Lily’s mother, initially hesitant, saw the desperation in Nai’s eyes and felt a pang of empathy. “You’re right, sweetheart,” she said softly. They approached Nai cautiously, not wanting to frighten her.

Nai lifted her head weakly, her eyes locking onto Lily’s with a glimmer of hope. Lily knelt down beside her, reaching out a gentle hand. “It’s okay, girl. We’re here to help you,” she whispered soothingly.

Lily’s mother called the local animal rescue, explaining the situation. As they waited, they gave Nai some water and a small sandwich from Lily’s lunchbox. Nai drank and ate eagerly, the small act of kindness reigniting a spark of life in her eyes.

The rescue team arrived shortly after, unchaining Nai and examining her carefully. “She seems to be in good health, just dehydrated and very scared,” one of the rescuers said. “Thank you for calling us. We’ll take her to the shelter and make sure she gets the care she needs.”

Lily looked at her mother with wide, pleading eyes. “Mom, can we visit her? Maybe we can adopt her?”

Her mother smiled, proud of her daughter’s compassion. “We’ll see, honey. Let’s make sure she’s okay first.”

Nai was gently lifted into the rescue van, her eyes still on Lily. She didn’t understand everything that was happening, but she felt a small sense of comfort knowing that someone cared.

At the shelter, Nai was given a thorough check-up, a warm bath, and a cozy bed. The staff noted her gentle nature and the sadness that seemed to linger in her eyes. They decided to name her Nai, meaning “gentle” in the local language, a fitting name for such a sweet dog.

Days passed, and Nai began to adjust to her new surroundings. She made friends with the other animals and received plenty of love and attention from the shelter staff. But she never forgot Lily, the kind girl who had stopped to help her.

One sunny afternoon, Nai’s heart leapt with joy as she saw a familiar face walk through the shelter doors. Lily, accompanied by her mother, came to visit her. “Hi, Nai,” Lily said softly, reaching out to pet her. “We’ve been thinking about you every day.”

Nai’s tail wagged furiously, her eyes shining with happiness. Lily’s mother spoke with the shelter staff, and after some discussion, they decided to adopt Nai.

As Nai left the shelter with her new family, she looked up at the sky, feeling a sense of hope and belonging she thought she had lost forever. Today had started as a very sad day, but it was ending with a new beginning. Nai’s birthday wish had come true, and she was finally home.
