Today is my children’s birthday but they are no longer here, I miss them so much

Today is my children’s birthday but they are no longer here, I miss them so much

Maika was a shadow of her former self. Her once vibrant eyes were now dull, reflecting the depths of her despair. She was a mother, a protector, but the harsh reality of the streets had stripped her of her maternal duties. Her puppies, once bundles of joy and warmth, were gone, victims of hunger and the unforgiving city.

Today, the world seemed even colder, the sun’s rays offering no warmth. It was the day her puppies would have celebrated their first birthday. She could almost hear their playful barks, feel their tiny bodies nuzzling against her. But the reality was a stark contrast. The once-warm nest was empty, a haunting reminder of her loss.

Hunger gnawed at her, but food held no allure. She missed the warmth of their bodies pressed against hers, the comforting weight of their tiny selves. The world was a silent, lonely place without their joyful yelps filling her ears.

As the day wore on, Maika wandered the streets, her movements mechanical. She was a ghost, a hollow shell of the mother she once was. The city was a cacophony of noise, but to her, it was a deafening silence. She longed for the return of her puppies, for the warmth of their love to fill the emptiness within her.

With a heavy heart, she found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The night was a cold, unforgiving mistress. As she curled up, her body trembling, she thought of her puppies. They were gone, but their memory lived on, a bittersweet ache in her heart. This was their birthday, a day filled with joy and celebration for other puppies, but for her, it was a day of mourning, a stark reminder of her loss.
