A sad birthday for me and also the day I was cruelly abandoned by my own mother

A sad birthday for me and also the day I was cruelly abandoned by my own mother

Honey didn’t remember a world with warmth or the soft touch of a mother. He’d been born alone, abandoned on the cold, unforgiving pavement. Today, his first birthday, was a bitter irony. A day marked by celebration for puppies with loving homes was for him a day of survival.

The world was a harsh mistress, offering little in the way of compassion. He wandered the streets, his tiny body a fragile silhouette against the urban landscape. Hunger gnawed at his insides, a constant companion. He scavenged for scraps, his innocent eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

He longed for the warmth of a soft bed, the comforting sound of a heartbeat. But these were mere fantasies, illusions to escape the harsh reality of his existence. The city was a cacophony of noise, but to him, it was a desolate silence. He was alone, a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, mournful shadows, Honey found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The cold seeped into his bones, a constant reminder of his vulnerability. He curled up, his small body trembling. It was his birthday, a day marked by loneliness and despair. There were no presents, no birthday songs, no loving pats. Just the harsh reality of his existence.

As sleep claimed him, he dreamed of a warm home, a soft bed, and the love of a human. But when he woke, the cold, unforgiving world would be waiting. His first birthday, a milestone for many, was for him a stark reminder of the life he’d been dealt, a life of solitude and survival.
