A puppy that was buried alive on the beach has now been adopted into a caring permanent home

A puppy that was buried alive on the beach has now been adopted into a caring permanent home

Leialoha’s story is a testament to the resilience of the animal spirit and the unwavering power of love. It begins with a horrifying discovery – a dog buried alive on a Hawaiian beach. Yet, through the courage of a bystander, the compassion of a dedicated rescue organization, and the love of a forever family, Leialoha finds her way back to health and happiness.

Discovered and rescued a dog buried alive on the beach

Earlier this year, a witness on a beach in Oahu, Hawaii, stumbled upon a horrific scene. A dog was being buried alive by a person wielding a machete. This act of unimaginable cruelty ignited a spark of hope within the witness, who promptly called PAWS of Hawaii, a dedicated animal rescue organization. Their swift response was instrumental in saving Leialoha’s life.

Upon rescue, Leialoha presented a heartbreaking sight. Sunburned, covered in sores, and with wounds on her legs, she was a picture of neglect and suffering. The team at Aloha Affordable Veterinary Services provided her with the medical care she desperately needed, beginning a long road to physical and emotional recovery.

The foster family healed the poor dog with love and patience

Amanda Krasniewski and her husband, familiar with the joys and challenges of fostering animals, felt an immediate connection with Leialoha. This experience stemmed from their previous vacation in St. Croix, where they adopted Mocha, a dog from an overcrowded shelter, into their newly formed family. Recognizing their desire for a furry companion, they decided to extend their love and care to Leialoha.

Amanda recalls Leialoha’s initial state: underweight, exhausted, and in need of time to heal. But there were glimpses of hope. Her spirit remained unbroken, and with time, she began to blossom. She transitioned from the confines of her crate to seeking comfort beneath the family’s coffee table. Playful sessions with other dogs, joyful games of catch with her new human companion, and moments of quiet snuggles marked her gradual recovery. The Krasniewskis provided Leialoha with the space and love she needed to heal, both physically and emotionally.

Dog’s happily ever after

Today, thanks to the tireless efforts of Amanda, her family, and the dedicated team at PAWS of Hawaii, Leialoha is a thriving, happy dog. Her days are filled with boundless energy, playful antics, and a loving insistence on attention. She embodies a spirit of resilience and an openness to love, a testament to her ability to overcome the trauma she endured. Witnessing Leialoha’s journey from buried alive to beloved family member serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of love and the importance of standing up for those who cannot speak for themselves. It is a story that inspires hope and reminds us that even in the face of cruelty, compassion and kindness can prevail.
