A sad birthday for two puppies, because this is also the day that two puppies were cruelly abandoned.

A sad birthday for two puppies, because this is also the day that two puppies were cruelly abandoned.

Bin and Pi are two very pitiful puppies. Born into a world of warmth and comfort, they’d grown up together, their tiny bodies entwined in a constant dance of play and sleep. But their idyllic world was shattered on the day they first saw sunlight. Abandoned in a cardboard box, left to the mercy of the elements, their lives took a cruel turn.

Today, their first birthday, was a bitter irony. A day marked by celebration for puppies with loving homes was for them a day of survival. They huddled together, their small bodies trembling in the cold. The city was a cacophony of noise, but to them, it was a desolate silence.

They remembered the warmth of their mother, the comforting sound of her heartbeat. But those memories were fading, replaced by the harsh realities of street life. Hunger gnawed at their insides, a constant companion. They scavenged for scraps, their innocent eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

As the day wore on, the city began to hum with activity. People hurried past, their lives a world away. They were invisible, two shadows in a bustling existence. They longed for a touch of kindness, a warm meal, a safe place to sleep. But the city offered little in the way of compassion.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, mournful shadows, Bin and Pi found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The city’s cacophony faded, replaced by the quietude of the night. They curled up together, their small bodies seeking warmth in each other’s embrace. It was their first birthday, a day marked by loneliness and despair. There were no presents, no birthday songs, no loving pats. Just the harsh reality of their existence.

As sleep claimed them, they dreamed of a warm home, a soft bed, and the love of a human family. But when they woke, the cold, unforgiving world would be waiting. Their first birthday, a milestone for many, was for them a stark reminder of the cruel hand fate had dealt them.
