A hiker halts abruptly upon noticing ‘amber eyes’ emerging from a crevice

A hiker halts abruptly upon noticing ‘amber eyes’ emerging from a crevice

Discovered a dog stuck in a rock crevice

A solitary hiker, traversing the rugged terrain of Lookout Mountain in Phoenix, Arizona, was engrossed in the thrill of the ascent. As he navigated the narrow, slippery trail, his focus was unwavering. Yet, fate intervened as a glint of light caught his attention, disrupting the rhythmic cadence of his hike.

Half a mile into his journey, off the beaten path, he discovered the source of the reflection: a pair of luminous amber eyes peering from a tiny crevice in the mountainside. A surge of astonishment and compassion washed over him as he realized he was staring into the frightened eyes of a dog. Camouflaged by the surrounding environment, the canine was virtually invisible, her presence a testament to both her vulnerability and the hiker’s keen observation. How she ended up in such a precarious situation was a mystery, but it was evident that she was trapped, her survival hanging by a thread.

Rescue the dog quickly

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Good Samaritan immediately contacted the Arizona Humane Society (AHS). An urgent plea for assistance was dispatched, mobilizing a team of dedicated rescuers. Two emergency animal medical technicians, Tracey Miller and Ruthie Jesus, were tasked with the perilous mission of retrieving the stranded canine. The hiker remained with the frightened dog, providing comfort and reassurance until the arrival of the rescue team.

“This Good Samaritan waited probably almost two hours, and then we found this incredible dog, who incidentally is literally the same color as the dirt,” Jesus explained in a press release. The dog’s remarkable camouflage made her nearly invisible, prompting the hiker to aptly name her Bright Eyes, a moniker that perfectly captured her defining feature.

Upon reaching the scene, Miller and Jesus assessed the situation. Bright Eyes was in dire condition, suffering from dehydration, wounded paws, and an injury to her rear end. Despite her frail state, she exhibited a gentle spirit, allowing the technicians to offer comfort.

The rescue operation proved to be a formidable challenge. Bright Eyes was too weak to make the arduous descent on her own. The technicians faced the daunting task of carrying her down the treacherous, rocky trail. With each step, they navigated a precarious balance between their own safety and the well-being of the terrified dog.

“She was really sweet and letting me pet her head, but she absolutely did not want to come out of that den, so I kind of had to just sort of pull her out,” Jesus recounted. Despite the ordeal, Bright Eyes remained remarkably calm, trusting in her rescuers to guide her to safety.

A Second Chance at Life for the dog

Hours later, Bright Eyes was finally extracted from the mountainside and transported to safety. The journey to recovery had begun. While the circumstances surrounding her abandonment remain a mystery, one thing is certain: the Good Samaritan and the dedicated team at the Arizona Humane Society had given her a second chance at life.

“We were so elated to be able to get her,” Jesus expressed. “She was just so dehydrated. I think she’d probably been up there several days and that was probably her last day, and this Good Samaritan really just saved her life.”
