I know I don’t look perfect, but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive good wishes from everyone

Oreo was a small, scruffy dog with a heart as big as the world. He was born with a defect in his hind legs, which made it difficult for him to walk. Despite this, he always tried his best to keep up with the other dogs.

Today was Oreo’s birthday, and he was feeling especially hopeful. He had been waiting all week for this day, dreaming of receiving lots of belly rubs, treats, and birthday wishes. He had even practiced his best begging face in front of the mirror.

As the day went on, Oreo watched as the other dogs received their birthday presents and congratulations. He felt a pang of sadness in his heart. Would anyone wish him a happy birthday? Would they think he was too different?

Just as Oreo was about to give up hope, he heard a familiar voice. “Happy birthday, Oreo!” It was his human friend, Sarah. She was holding a special bone and a colorful toy.

Oreo’s tail wagged so hard, it almost knocked him over. He took the bone and toy, his heart filled with joy. Sarah knelt down and gave him a big hug. “You’re the most amazing dog I know, Oreo,” she said. “Don’t ever let anyone tell you differently.”

Oreo looked up at Sarah, his eyes filled with gratitude. He realized that his disability didn’t define him. What defined him was his love, his loyalty, and his determination.

As the day went on, Oreo received birthday wishes from all his friends. Even the biggest, toughest dog in the park gave him a friendly lick. Oreo felt loved and accepted, just as he was.

That night, as Oreo curled up in his bed, he smiled. His birthday had been everything he had hoped for, and more. He had received love, affection, and the most important gift of all: acceptance.
