One sad 11th birthday, my foster parents were going to put me in a shelter just because I was old

One sad 11th birthday, my foster parents were going to put me in a shelter just because I was old

Oreo was a gentle, aging golden retriever with a heart as big as the world. Today was his eleventh birthday, a day he’d always looked forward to. But for Oreo, the day held a bitter taste. His foster parents had informed him that they were going to have to put him in a shelter.

He remembered the day he came to live with them. He was a scared, lost puppy, and they had taken him in without hesitation. They had given him a home, a family, and the love he had so desperately needed. Now, after all these years, they were going to abandon him.

Oreo padded around the house, his tail drooping sadly. He sniffed the air, hoping for the familiar scent of his favorite treats, but there was nothing.

Oreo went to the window and looked out at the sunny day. He watched the children playing in the park, their laughter filling the air. He longed to be among them, running and playing and feeling loved.

As the day wore on, Oreo’s heart grew heavier. He curled up on his bed and sighed. He missed his family. He missed the feeling of being wanted and cherished. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he whimpered softly.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a faint scratching sound at the door. He wagged his tail hopefully and trotted over to investigate. To his surprise, the door was slightly ajar. With a hopeful heart, he pushed it open and stepped outside.

There, standing on the porch, was a young woman, a kind smile on her face. She knelt down and gently scratched behind Oreo’s ears. “Hello there, old boy,” she said. “Would you like to come home with me?”

Oreo’s tail wagged furiously as he looked up at the woman with hope in his eyes. He knew that his lonely birthday was about to change forever.
