My 1st birthday was also the day my mother left me forever

My 1st birthday was also the day my mother left me forever

Pubi was a tiny, fluffy puppy with eyes as big as the moon. Today was his first birthday, a day he had imagined would be filled with joy and excitement. But instead, he found himself alone, abandoned by his mother, who had grown old and frail.

Pubi’s heart ached with sadness. He remembered the warmth of his mother’s fur, the comfort of her presence. He had never known a world without her, and now he was alone, scared, and confused.

He wandered the streets, his small paws struggling to keep up with the bustling traffic. He was hungry and cold, and he missed his mother more than anything in the world. He tried to find a safe place to sleep, but the city was a harsh and unforgiving place.

As the sun began to set, Pubi found a small, abandoned building. He squeezed through a narrow opening and curled up in a corner. The building was cold and damp, but it was better than being out in the open.

Pubi closed his eyes, his mind filled with images of his mother. He missed her terribly, and he wondered why she had left him. He was just a puppy, and he needed her more than ever.

As he drifted off to sleep, Pubi made a promise to himself. He would find a loving home, and he would never forget his mother.
