They said I was ugly so no one sent me birthday wishes

They said I was ugly so no one sent me birthday wishes

Jen was a scruffy little dog with a heart full of love. She had been found wandering the streets, her fur matted and her eyes filled with sadness. Despite her appearance, she was a sweet and gentle soul.

Today was Jen’s birthday, a day she had dreamed of celebrating with a loving family. But as the day wore on, she felt a growing sense of loneliness. She watched as people hurried by, their eyes fixed on their phones, oblivious to her presence.

Jen had always felt a little different from the other dogs at the shelter. She wasn’t as sleek or as graceful as the golden retrievers or Labrador retrievers. Some people had even made unkind remarks about her appearance, calling her “ugly.”

As the sun began to set, Jen curled up in her kennel, her big, brown eyes filled with tears. She missed the warmth of a human touch, the comfort of a soft bed, and the love of a family. She wished someone would remember her birthday, would send her a card, or even just a kind word.

Just as Jen was about to give up hope, she heard a faint sound. She pricked up her ears and listened intently. The sound grew louder, and soon, she saw a small girl approaching. She was carrying a bag of treats and a toy.

“Hello there,” the girl said, kneeling down to pet Jen. “Are you hungry?”

Jen’s heart swelled with gratitude. She hadn’t been touched by a human in so long. The girl gave her a treat and played with her for a while. As they sat together in the park, Jen realized that even though she was a stray, she wasn’t completely alone. There were still kind people in the world who cared about animals like her.
