Today is my birthday but I am sad because my parents are going to take me to a shelter

Today is my birthday but I am sad because my parents are going to take me to a shelter

Min was a small, scruffy dog with big, soulful eyes. Today was his birthday, but instead of the usual excitement and treats, Min felt a heavy weight in his furry heart. His parents had told him that they were going to take him to a shelter. He didn’t understand why. He loved his family. He loved playing fetch and going on walks. He loved the feeling of a warm lap to curl up on.

Min tried to be brave, but the thought of being alone and without a home filled him with dread. He remembered the day his parents had brought him home as a tiny puppy. They had showered him with love and attention. He had felt so safe and happy. Now, that happiness was slipping away.

As they drove to the shelter, Min pressed his nose against the car window, hoping to see a familiar sight. But the world outside was a blur of passing trees and buildings. When they arrived at the shelter, Min felt a lump in his throat. The place was noisy and chaotic. Dogs of all shapes and sizes barked and howled.

His parents handed him over to a kind-looking woman who promised to take good care of him. As they drove away, Min watched them through the window, his heart aching. He felt abandoned and alone. He missed his family and his old home.

As the days turned into weeks, Min tried to adjust to his new life. He made friends with some of the other dogs, but none of them could replace the love and comfort he had known. He missed the feeling of being wanted and loved. He missed his birthday celebrations and the sound of his parents’ voices.

Every day, Min would look out the shelter window, hoping to see a familiar face. But it was always the same. He was alone, and he felt forgotten.
