No one remembers my birthday today, I’m so sad

No one remembers my birthday today, I’m so sad

Ben was a small, brown dog with big, soulful eyes. He had been a loyal companion to his family for many years, but today, on his birthday, he felt forgotten and alone.

No one had wished him a happy birthday, no one had given him a special treat, and no one had paid any attention to him. Ben’s heart ached with loneliness. He missed the days when he was a puppy, when his family would shower him with love and attention.

As the day wore on, Ben wandered around the house, looking for any sign of recognition. He sniffed at his family’s shoes, hoping that they would notice him. He even tried to jump up on their laps, but they were too busy with their own affairs.

Ben’s eyes filled with tears. He felt so unwanted and unloved. He missed the feeling of being wanted and needed. He missed the days when he was the center of attention.

As the sun began to set, Ben curled up in his favorite spot on the couch. He closed his eyes and tried to forget his loneliness. He dreamed of a day when his family would remember his birthday and make him feel special.
