I know I’m not beautiful but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive wishes from everyone

I know I’m not beautiful but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive wishes from everyone

Funi was a small, scruffy dog with a heart full of love. She wasn’t the most beautiful dog, with her patchy fur and crooked tail. But she didn’t care about her appearance. She was happy just being herself.

Today was Funi’s birthday, a day she had imagined would be filled with joy and celebration. She had hoped for balloons, birthday cake, and lots of belly rubs from her human, Emily. But as the day wore on, Funi started to feel a little lonely.

She waited by the door, her tail thumping excitedly, hoping to hear a familiar voice. Emily was usually the first to greet her with a happy birthday song and a special treat. But hours turned into days, and still, no one came.

Funi curled up in her favorite spot, her big, brown eyes filled with sadness. She missed Emily’s warm hugs and the playful games they used to have. The house felt quiet and empty without her.

As the sun began to set, Funi decided to take a walk. She wandered through the park, sniffing the sweet scent of flowers and listening to the birds chirping. As she walked, she couldn’t help but feel a little lost.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned around and saw Emily running towards her, a big smile on her face. Emily had been busy with work and had completely forgotten about Funi’s birthday. She felt terrible about it and promised Funi she would make it up to her.

That evening, Funi had the best birthday party ever. Emily baked her favorite cake, decorated the house with balloons, and invited all of Funi’s doggy friends. Funi was so happy, her tail wagged so hard it almost knocked her over. As she ate her cake and played with her friends, she realized that even though she might not be the most beautiful dog, she was still loved and appreciated. And that was all that mattered.
