I was abandoned by my owner on my birthday today but I still miss them so much

I was abandoned by my owner on my birthday today but I still miss them so much

Minu was a small, brown dog with big, expressive eyes. Today was his birthday, but instead of the usual excitement and treats, he felt a heavy weight in his heart. His owner had abandoned him on the side of the road that morning, leaving him alone and scared.

Minu watched as the car that had once been his home disappeared into the distance. He barked and howled, but his owner didn’t look back. Tears streamed down his face as he realized he was alone.

Minu wandered the streets, his tail tucked between his legs. He was hungry and cold, but those were things he was used to. What hurt the most was the loneliness. He missed his owner, missed the feeling of being loved and cared for.

He tried to find a safe place to sleep, but the world seemed hostile and unforgiving. He curled up in a deserted alleyway, shivering from the cold. As the night wore on, Minu’s thoughts raced. He remembered the happy times he had spent with his owner, the walks in the park, the belly rubs, the late-night cuddles.

The sun rose, casting long shadows across the city. Minu’s stomach rumbled, and he felt weak. He tried to find some food, but the trash cans were empty. He was desperate and afraid.

As the day went on, Minu continued to wander the streets, hoping to find his way home. But he knew it was a futile search. His owner was gone, and he was alone. He missed them more than anything in the world.
