Today is my birthday but I feel very sad because no one has sent me any birthday wishes yet

Today is my birthday but I feel very sad because no one has sent me any birthday wishes yet

Less was a small, scruffy puppy with big, expressive eyes. Today was his birthday, a day that most puppies celebrated with their families, but for Less, it was a day tinged with sadness and loneliness.

He’d spent the day wandering the streets, his tail tucked between his legs. No one had wished him a happy birthday, not even the friendly old woman who usually gave him a treat.

Less sat down in a quiet corner, his head resting on his paws. He thought back to the happier times, when he had a family to love him and celebrate his special day. But those memories were like distant dreams, fading into the background of his harsh reality.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized how alone he was. He had no one to share his birthday with, no one to offer him a kind word or a gentle pat on the head. He was just a lonely puppy, lost in a big city, with nowhere to go and no one to love.
