Today is my birthday but no one in my family remembers it

Today is my birthday but no one in my family remembers it

Gun, a loyal and loving dog, lived a happy life with his family. He was always there to greet them at the door, to accompany them on walks, and to curl up at their feet on the couch. But today, his birthday, was a stark contrast to his usual cheerful demeanor.

Gun had spent the day waiting expectantly for a special treat, a birthday song, or at least a kind word from his family. But as the day wore on, he realized that no one remembered his special day. He watched as his family went about their usual routines, oblivious to the occasion.

A pang of sadness tugged at his heart. He had always been so devoted to his family, always there for them in good times and bad. He couldn’t understand why they had forgotten such an important day.

As the sun began to set, Gun curled up in his favorite spot on the couch, his tail tucked between his legs. He closed his eyes and tried to remember happier times, when his family would shower him with affection on his birthday. But those memories were like distant dreams, fading into the background of his current disappointment.

Just as Gun was about to drift off to sleep, he heard a familiar voice. It was his owner, calling his name. Gun’s heart leaped with hope. Perhaps his family had remembered after all.

But as he approached his owner, he realized that the voice was not directed at him. It was calling their other pet, a cat that had just returned home. Gun’s heart sank.

As he lay down to sleep that night, Gun felt a deep sense of loneliness and betrayal. He had always been a loyal and loving member of his family, and he couldn’t understand why they had forgotten his birthday.
