Today is my birthday, I just wish to have a full meal

Today is my birthday, I just wish to have a full meal

Vani was a stray dog, her coat matted and dirty. She roamed the streets of the city, scavenging for scraps of food and seeking shelter from the elements. Today was her birthday, a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration, but for Vani, it was just another day of struggle and loneliness.

Her belly rumbled with hunger, and her body ached with cold. She wandered the streets, her tail drooping low, her eyes filled with sadness. She longed for a warm bed, a full belly, and a loving companion. But all she could hope for on her birthday was a full meal.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the city, Vani curled up in a sheltered doorway. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She wished for a miracle, a kind heart to offer her food and shelter.

Just when Vani thought she couldn’t bear the pain any longer, she heard a faint sound. It was the gentle clinking of metal against metal. She opened her eyes and saw a man approaching, carrying a bag of food.

The man knelt down beside Vani, his eyes filled with compassion. “Here, girl,” he said, offering her a piece of bread. Vani took it eagerly, her hunger momentarily satisfied.

As the man walked away, Vani watched him, her heart filled with gratitude. She knew that her birthday had been a difficult one, but the kindness of a stranger had brought her a moment of joy. And that was all she could ask for.
