Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Teni was a small, brown dog with big, soulful eyes. She lived in a small apartment with her human family, but despite being surrounded by people, she often felt alone. Today was her birthday, a day she had been looking forward to for weeks. But as the day wore on, Teni realized that no one seemed to remember.

Her humans were busy with their own lives, oblivious to the special occasion. There were no presents, no birthday cake, and no special treats. Teni wandered from room to room, her tail drooping low, her eyes filled with sadness.

She sat by the window, watching the birds flitting about, wishing she could join them. She was so lonely. She missed the attention, the love, and the feeling of being wanted and cared for.

As the day turned into night, Teni curled up on her favorite spot on the couch and sighed. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She wished someone would remember her birthday, just once.

Just as Teni was about to give up hope, she heard a familiar sound. It was her humans coming home! As they walked through the door, they were carrying a big, colorful box. Teni’s heart raced with excitement.

When they opened the box, Teni’s eyes widened. Inside was a brand new tennis ball, her favorite toy. She barked with joy and pounced on the ball, chasing it around the house. As she played, she realized that even though her day had started off sadly, it had ended with a happy surprise. And that was all that mattered.
