Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Linn was a small, scruffy puppy with big, soulful eyes. He’d been a part of the family since he was a tiny ball of fluff, always eager to please and full of boundless energy. Today was his birthday, and he’d been waiting for it with great anticipation.

He woke up early that morning, tail wagging excitedly. He expected to be greeted with a chorus of happy birthday wishes, a belly full of treats, and perhaps even a special toy. But as the day wore on, a sense of disappointment began to settle over him.

No one seemed to remember his birthday. His family members went about their usual routines, oblivious to the special occasion. Linn followed them from room to room, his hopeful eyes filled with sadness. He tried to catch their attention, but they were too engrossed in their own activities to notice him.

By the end of the day, Linn was feeling dejected and alone. He curled up in his basket, his tail tucked tightly between his legs. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about how much he had hoped for a special day.

As he drifted off to sleep, Linn couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. He loved his family more than anything in the world, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was forgotten. As he closed his eyes, he made a silent wish: that one day, his family would remember his birthday and celebrate it with him.
