Today is my birthday but no one wished me a happy birthday, or is it because I’m ugly?

Today is my birthday but no one wished me a happy birthday, or is it because I’m ugly?

Fen was a sweet, scruffy dog with a heart full of love. Today was his fifth birthday, a day he had been eagerly anticipating. In his canine dreams, he’d imagined a day filled with belly rubs, treats, and the joyful company of his human family. But as the sun rose, casting long shadows across the backyard, Fen’s heart sank.

Instead of the usual flurry of excitement and birthday wishes, the house was eerily quiet. His family was nowhere to be seen. A pang of loneliness tugged at his heart. He wandered from room to room, his tail drooping sadly. The familiar scent of his family was gone, replaced by an unfamiliar emptiness.

As the day wore on, Fen’s spirits dwindled. He curled up in his favorite spot by the window, watching the world go by. Rain began to fall, its gentle pitter-patter a mournful melody that echoed his own sadness.

Fen couldn’t shake the feeling that his family had forgotten about his birthday. He was a mixed-breed dog, with a unique appearance that some might consider unattractive. Perhaps, he thought, they didn’t love him as much as they did their other, more “conventional” pets.

As the day turned to night, Fen lay curled up in his bed, feeling alone and unwanted. He closed his eyes, tears welling up in his heart. Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a faint sound. It was the jingling of keys. His family was finally home!

They rushed over to Fen, their faces filled with remorse. “Oh, Fen, we’re so sorry,” Sarah, his owner, said, kneeling down to hug him. “We had a busy day and completely forgot about your birthday. Please forgive us.”

Fen’s tail wagged tentatively. He understood that accidents happened, but it still hurt. As Sarah hugged him tightly, Fen felt a warmth spreading through his body. It wasn’t the grand celebration he had hoped for, but the love and affection he received from his family were enough to fill his heart.

As he drifted off to sleep, Fen realized that his appearance didn’t matter. What truly mattered was the love and companionship he had from his family. And as he dreamed of a future filled with more happy birthdays and endless love, he knew that he was loved, no matter what he looked like.
