Today is my lonely and sad birthday: No gifts, no wishes

Today is my lonely and sad birthday: No gifts, no wishes

Minzy was a small, brown dog with big, soulful eyes. She lived in a small apartment with a kind old woman named Mrs. Kim. Today was Minzy’s birthday, but there was no festive atmosphere in the apartment. No colorful balloons, no birthday cake, and no happy birthday songs.

Mrs. Kim had been busy all morning, rushing from one chore to another. She had forgotten it was Minzy’s special day. As the day wore on, Minzy’s heart sank. She watched out the window as other dogs were playing with their owners in the park. She longed for a simple birthday wish, a scratch behind the ears, or even just a kind word.

When evening came, Minzy curled up on her favorite blanket and started to cry. Tears rolled down her furry face as she thought about how alone she felt. She missed her old owner who had always celebrated her birthdays with so much love and joy.

Suddenly, she heard a soft knock at the door. Mrs. Kim opened it to reveal a small boy holding a bouquet of wildflowers. “Happy birthday, Minzy!” he exclaimed, handing the flowers to the dog. Minzy’s tail wagged excitedly as she sniffed the sweet-smelling flowers.

The boy, whose name was Alex, had seen Minzy looking sad from his window. He had decided to cheer her up with a little surprise. As they played in the park that evening, Minzy’s loneliness began to fade. She realized that even though she was alone, she still had someone who cared about her. And that was all she really needed.
