Today is my birthday but no one remembered to send me wishes

Today is my birthday but no one remembered to send me wishes

Pink was a small, fluffy puppy with soft pink fur. He had been abandoned as a tiny kitten, left alone in a cold alleyway. A kind-hearted woman had found him and taken him in, but she was too busy to give him the attention he craved.

Today was Pink’s birthday. He knew it was special because he could feel the excitement in the air. He heard laughter and the sound of party decorations being hung. But as the day wore on, he realized that no one was celebrating his birthday.

Pink felt a pang of loneliness. He had hoped that someone would remember his special day, that someone would send him a card or a gift. But as the hours passed, he realized that he was alone.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he curled up in his basket. He missed his mother, his littermates, and the feeling of being loved and wanted. He felt so small and insignificant, like he didn’t matter at all.

Just as Pink was about to give up hope, he heard a gentle scratching at the door. He wagged his tail excitedly, hoping it was someone who had come to visit him. But when the door opened, he was disappointed to see only the woman who had found him.

“Happy birthday, Pink,” she said, her voice filled with kindness. “I know it’s not much, but I got you a new toy.”

Pink’s heart swelled with gratitude. He had almost forgotten that someone cared about him. As he played with his new toy, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort. He realized that even though he was alone, he was not forgotten.
