Firefighters from New Jersey rush to assist a Yellow Labrador trapped in a spare tire

Firefighters from New Jersey rush to assist a Yellow Labrador trapped in a spare tire

Franklin Township, New Jersey, witnessed an unlikely rescue mission last Thursday. The Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company crew found themselves not battling flames, but a predicament involving a mischievous canine and a spare tire.

A Pup in a Pinch: Daisy’s Unfortunate Encounter

The star of this unexpected drama was Daisy, an inquisitive 11-month-old yellow Labrador. Curiosity, as they say, can sometimes lead to trouble, and for Daisy, that trouble came in the form of a spare tire. Her neck became lodged in the rim, leaving her trapped and potentially frightened.

The firefighters tried to rescue the dog by all means

The dedicated firefighters immediately sprang into action. Their priority – to free Daisy safely and minimize her stress. Lieutenant Brandon Volpe, the crew leader, recounted their initial attempts. Dish soap and water, a classic solution for stuck objects, unfortunately proved ineffective for Daisy’s predicament. They then switched tactics, employing vegetable oil in hopes of creating a slippery surface for her escape. Still, Daisy remained frustratingly stuck.

Undeterred, the team devised another creative plan. They carefully wrapped plastic around Daisy’s neck, hoping it would interact with the oil and soap, creating a lubricant that might allow her to slip free. However, even this innovative approach failed to yield the desired outcome.

Faced with these unsuccessful attempts, Lieutenant Volpe had a brainstorm. He remembered having plasma cutters, powerful tools meant for cutting metal, at his home. This might be the unconventional solution they needed.

With Daisy resting comfortably in a red wagon, the crew embarked on a quick journey to Volpe’s garage. The situation, however, demanded caution. While plasma cutters would swiftly free Daisy, their intense heat could pose a threat. To ensure her safety during the cutting process, the firefighters placed a fire blanket around her head and neck.

A happy ending for the lucky dog

Thankfully, the plan worked flawlessly. Within a mere five minutes, Daisy was free, unharmed and likely relieved to be rid of the cumbersome tire.

Daisy’s story is a reminder of the unexpected challenges firefighters can encounter. It also highlights their unwavering commitment to helping those in need, be it humans or curious canine companions. The Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company crew’s ingenuity and dedication to Daisy’s well-being deserve our highest praise.

As for Daisy, we can only imagine the joyous tail wags and relieved barks that followed her successful rescue. Let this be a lesson to all curious pups – spare tires, while fascinating, are best left unexplored.
