Today is my birthday, I just want a home to go home to

Today is my birthday, I just want a home to go home to

The world was a cold, metallic cage for Lucky. The shelter, with its endless rows of kennels, was a stark contrast to the warmth and love he once knew. His memory, a fading Polaroid of sun-drenched days and belly rubs, was a constant companion in the bleakness.

He’d been a cherished member of a family once, a fluffy bundle of joy that brought laughter into their home. But times changed, and so did their circumstances. Now, he was just another statistic, a lost soul in a sea of abandoned animals.

Yet, a flicker of hope remained. It was a date, a birthday, a day etched in the depths of his memory. A day of cake, presents, and the intoxicating scent of his favorite human. He didn’t know the exact day, of course, but the memory of celebration was a beacon in his otherwise dreary existence.

Every year, or so he imagined, Lucky would sit quietly in his kennel, his tail tucked between his legs. He’d close his eyes and transport himself to a world of warmth and laughter. He’d see himself running through fields, chasing butterflies, and curling up in a cozy armchair. He’d hear the sound of children’s laughter and the gentle rumble of a contented human.

In these moments, he’d whisper silent prayers, pleading for a second chance, a family to call his own. He’d imagine a kind hand scratching behind his ears, a soft voice calling his name. With each passing year that came and went, the hope dwindled a little more.

But the dog in him, the one who had once been a loyal companion, refused to surrender. He watched the other dogs, some resigned, some hopeful, and found strength in their shared plight. They were a pack, bound by circumstance, and together, they endured.

One day, a new scent filled the kennel. It was a scent of hope, of something different. Lucky’s ears perked up. Footsteps approached, and then, a voice, filled with kindness, called his name. A hand reached through the bars, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Lucky felt a spark of excitement. As the kennel door swung open, he stepped out into a world of possibilities, his heart filled with a hope he hadn’t felt in a long time.

His birthday wish, it seemed, might just come true.
