Today is my birthday, I just need a full meal, that’s enough

Today is my birthday, I just need a full meal, that’s enough

Title: **A Birthday Wish**

Today is my birthday, and I just need a full meal; that’s enough. I am a small, brown puppy with soft fur and big, hopeful eyes. My name is Lucky, but lately, I haven’t been feeling very lucky at all.

I used to have a family, but one day, they left me on the side of the road. At first, I thought they would come back, but as the hours turned into days, I realized I was on my own. The streets are a scary place for a little pup like me. Cars zoom by, and sometimes people aren’t very kind.

Every day, I roam the streets in search of food. Sometimes, I find a few scraps near the market, but it’s never enough to fill my belly. As the days go by, I grow weaker and more tired. The nights are the worst. The cold seeps into my bones, and I shiver as I try to find a warm place to sleep.

Today, though, feels different. Despite everything, I can’t help but feel a glimmer of hope. It’s my birthday, and deep down, I wish for something special. As I wander through the streets, my nose picks up a delicious smell. I follow the scent and find myself outside a small bakery. The smell of freshly baked bread makes my mouth water.

I sit by the door, hoping someone will notice me. As people come and go, I watch with longing eyes. Finally, a kind woman steps out of the bakery and notices me. She kneels down and gently strokes my fur. Her touch is warm and comforting.

“Are you hungry, little one?” she asks, her voice soft and caring. I wag my tail weakly in response.

She disappears into the bakery and returns with a small bag. Inside are pieces of bread and a few slices of meat. My heart leaps with joy as she places the food in front of me. I eat greedily, savoring every bite. It’s the first full meal I’ve had in a long time.

As I finish eating, the woman sits beside me. “You look like you need a home,” she says thoughtfully. My ears perk up at her words. Could it be possible? Could I finally have a place to belong?

She scoops me up in her arms, and I nuzzle against her, feeling safe for the first time in weeks. “Let’s go home,” she says, and I can’t believe my luck.

Today started as just another day of survival, but it turned into the best birthday I could have ever imagined. I have a full belly, a warm place to sleep, and most importantly, someone who cares about me. Maybe my name is Lucky after all.
