Today is my birthday but I have no home to go to

Today is my birthday but I have no home to go to

Patches didn’t know his exact age. Birthdays were for those with homes, warm beds, and bowls filled to the brim. He lived on the harsh, unforgiving streets, a transient existence marked by hunger, fear, and the relentless pursuit of survival. Yet, on this particular day, a flicker of hope ignited within him. It was his birthday, a day he’d imagined as a pup, filled with laughter, treats, and the warmth of a loving family.

Now, as he huddled beneath a cardboard box, the once vibrant dream felt like a distant star. His ribs were visible through his matted fur, a stark testament to the hardships he’d endured. The world was a cold, indifferent place, offering little respite from the biting wind and relentless rain.

Patches’ birthday wish was simple: a home. A place to belong, where he wouldn’t have to scavenge for scraps or cower from the menacing shadows of the night. He yearned for the warmth of a human touch, the comforting sound of a familiar voice.

As the day wore on, his hope dwindled. The city lights seemed to mock his solitude, a stark contrast to the darkness that enveloped his world. Hunger gnawed at his belly, and loneliness gnawed at his heart. Yet, even in the depths of despair, a tiny ember of hope flickered. Perhaps tomorrow would be different. Perhaps his birthday wish would be granted.

As sleep claimed him, Patches dreamt of a cozy fireplace, a soft bed, and a gentle hand scratching behind his ears. In this dream, he was safe, loved, and cherished. When he woke, the harsh reality of his situation hit him with renewed force. But the dream fueled a flicker of hope, a determination to survive until his wish came true.

For now, he could only dream of a home, a place where he would no longer be just a stray, but a beloved companion.
