Today is my birthday and also the day I was abandoned by my owner

Today is my birthday and also the day I was abandoned by my owner

Pau was a small, trembling puppy. Today was supposed to be his birthday, a day filled with joy and celebration. Instead, it was a day marked by cruelty and despair. He couldn’t remember a time without fear, without pain. His world was a blur of shadows and harsh sounds.

He had been a beloved pet once, a tiny bundle of fur that brought laughter to a home. But that was a distant memory, replaced by the harsh reality of his present. His owner had changed, their affection turning into indifference, their kindness into cruelty.

The final straw came on his supposed birthday. Muzzled and terrified, he was thrown into a landfill, a world of garbage and decay. The stench was overwhelming, the darkness suffocating. His tiny body shook uncontrollably as he tried to comprehend his fate.

He could hear the crunch of garbage trucks, the screech of seagulls, and the distant rumble of city life. It was a world alien to him, a place where survival was a daily battle. The soft bed, the warm kitchen, and the gentle pats he once knew seemed like a distant dream.

Hunger gnawed at his belly, and fear chilled his heart. But amidst the despair, a flicker of hope remained. He remembered the warmth of the sun on his fur, the taste of his favorite treats. He would survive, he vowed. He would find a way out of this hellish place.

As night fell, Pau curled up in a small pile of discarded cardboard. The cold seeped into his bones, but his spirit remained unbroken. He was a fighter, a survivor. And even though his birthday had turned into a nightmare, he clung to the hope that one day, someone would find him, and he would have a second chance at life.
