Today is my birthday, I know I’m not beautiful but I still want to receive wishes

Today is my birthday, I know I’m not beautiful but I still want to receive wishes

Lucky wasn’t like the other dogs. His face was a mask of pain, one side swollen and misshapen. The scars, both physical and emotional, were a constant reminder of the cruelty he’d endured. Yet, despite the suffering, a spark of life remained, a flicker of hope that refused to be extinguished.

Today was supposed to be different. A birthday, he imagined. A day filled with joy and celebration. But for Lucky, it was just another day of survival. He lived in a world of shadows, a place where kindness was a foreign concept.

Hunger was a constant companion. He scavenged for scraps, his body weak and frail. His deformed face made it difficult to eat, to drink, to simply exist. Yet, he persevered. He had to.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, eerie shadows, Lucky found a quiet corner to rest. His mind wandered to a time before the pain, before the fear. He remembered a warm home, a soft bed, and the gentle touch of a human hand. But those memories were fleeting, replaced by the harsh reality of his present.

He closed his eyes, making a wish. A simple wish for a life without pain, for a face that was whole, for a heart filled with love. As darkness enveloped him, he curled up into a tight ball, his body trembling with cold and fear. But in the depths of his despair, a tiny flame of hope flickered. Tomorrow was another day, and with it, a chance for something better.

For now, he would endure, his spirit unbroken. He was Lucky, a name that seemed ironic in the face of his suffering. Yet, he held onto hope, a flicker of light in the darkness.
