Today is my birthday, I didn’t even receive a simple wish

Today is my birthday, I didn’t even receive a simple wish

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, there lived a dog named James. James was a friendly Golden Retriever with a golden coat that shimmered in the sunlight and eyes that were always full of warmth and kindness. He lived with a family that had once showered him with love and attention, but as time went by, the hustle and bustle of daily life seemed to overshadow the simple joys of companionship.

Today was James’s birthday. He was turning eight years old, a milestone that once would have been celebrated with treats, games, and lots of hugs. The morning began like any other, with James waking up in his cozy bed near the fireplace. The house was quiet, the children had already left for school, and the parents were busy with their work-from-home routines. James stretched and trotted over to his food bowl, but there was no special breakfast waiting for him, just the usual kibble.

He wandered around the house, hoping someone would notice that today was a special day. He nuzzled the mother’s leg as she typed away on her laptop, but she only gave him a quick pat on the head before returning to her screen. He sat by the door, his tail wagging, hoping for a walk, but the father was too engrossed in a conference call to notice.

James decided to take matters into his own paws. He grabbed his favorite toy, a worn-out tennis ball, and brought it to the father, dropping it at his feet. The man glanced down briefly, muttered something about being busy, and continued his call. James’s tail drooped as he picked up the ball and walked away, feeling the sting of neglect.

Determined to lift his spirits, James went out to the backyard. The sun was shining, and the air was crisp. He ran around, chasing the few birds that dared to land in his domain, but it wasn’t the same without someone to share his joy. He lay down on the grass, looking up at the sky, wondering if anyone remembered.

As the day wore on, the sense of loneliness grew. The children returned from school, but they were preoccupied with their homework and gadgets. They barely gave James a second glance as he tried to engage them in play. He followed them around, his eyes pleading for just a moment of their time, but they were too absorbed in their own world.

Evening fell, and the family gathered around the dinner table, talking and laughing. James sat nearby, his heart heavy with disappointment. He had hoped that perhaps someone would remember his birthday and give him a bit of extra attention, but it seemed that everyone had forgotten. He sighed and rested his head on his paws, feeling the weight of the day.

Just as he was about to give up hope, the doorbell rang. The father got up to answer it, and in walked their elderly neighbor, Mrs. Thompson. She held a small, wrapped package in her hands and a bright smile on her face.

“Hello, everyone! I just came by to wish James a happy birthday,” she said cheerfully.

James’s ears perked up, and his tail started wagging furiously. Mrs. Thompson knelt down and hugged him, handing him the package, which contained a delicious dog treat and a new squeaky toy.

“You didn’t think I’d forget your birthday, did you, James?” she said, scratching behind his ears.

The family looked at each other, a bit embarrassed that they had forgotten. The mother quickly got up and fetched some leftover steak from the fridge, and the children gathered around, petting and apologizing to James. They sang a quick “Happy Birthday” and gave him extra treats and belly rubs.

James’s heart swelled with joy. Even though the day had been lonely, it ended on a high note. He savored the attention and love, knowing that Mrs. Thompson’s visit had reminded his family of how special he was. He cuddled up in his bed that night, feeling grateful and content, with his new squeaky toy by his side.

As he drifted off to sleep, James knew that he was loved, and that was the best birthday gift he could have ever received.
