I have been abused, today is my birthday, I just want to receive a wish

I have been abused, today is my birthday, I just want to receive a wish

Pum didn’t know his exact age. Time, for a dog living on the harsh streets, was a blur of hunger, fear, and the endless search for a safe place to sleep. But there was one date he vaguely remembered, a day etched in his memory not for joy, but for the stark contrast it provided to his otherwise bleak existence: the day he was found, shivering and starving, in an abandoned alleyway. The kind people who rescued him had estimated his age then, and while he knew it was just a guess, he clung to that number as a marker. It was his birthday.

His life before that was a haze of pain and neglect. He remembered the sting of blows, the cold indifference of those who should have cared, and the constant gnawing emptiness in his belly. But even in the darkest corners of his mind, there was a flicker of hope, a tiny spark that refused to be extinguished.

Now, safe and loved in his foster home, Pum was learning what it meant to be cherished. He had a soft bed, plenty of food, and endless walks in the park. But something was missing. He craved more than just physical comfort. He yearned for something intangible, something that would validate his existence, a recognition of the life he had survived.

His birthday was approaching, and as the date drew closer, Pum felt a strange mix of anticipation and dread. He wanted to celebrate, to feel special, but the memories of his past cast a long shadow. Yet, hope, that tiny spark, grew brighter. Perhaps, just perhaps, this year would be different.

His foster family, sensing his growing excitement, decided to throw him a birthday party. There were balloons, a cake shaped like a bone, and even a few of his canine friends in attendance. As the party unfolded, Pum’s tail wagged with increasing vigor. He basked in the warmth of the attention, the laughter, and the love that surrounded him.

For the first time in his life, he felt truly happy. As the candles on his cake were blown out, he closed his eyes and made a wish. It was a simple wish, a wish that encapsulated the journey he had been on: to bring joy to others who had suffered like him. He wanted to be a symbol of hope, a testament to the resilience of the human-animal bond.

When he opened his eyes, he looked at the people who had given him a second chance, and he knew that his wish was already coming true. In their eyes, he saw the same love and compassion that had saved him. And in that moment, as he licked the icing from his nose, Pum realized that he was no longer just a survivor. He was a victor.

