Today is my birthday but also the day I lost my master forever

Today is my birthday but also the day I lost my master forever

Lucky’s world revolved around the old man. He was more than just an owner; he was a protector, a provider, and a constant companion. Today was Lucky’s birthday, a day usually marked by extra scraps of food and an abundance of belly rubs. But something was amiss. The old man was quieter than usual, his eyes holding a distant look.

They lived on the fringes of the city, a world away from the towering buildings and the relentless hum of progress. Their home was a cardboard box tucked beneath a bridge, a meager shelter against the elements. Yet, it was home, their shared sanctuary.

The old man, despite his circumstances, always found a way to make Lucky feel special. He would often hum old tunes, his voice raspy but filled with a warmth that soothed Lucky’s soul. Today, there was no humming, only a heavy silence that hung in the air.

As the day wore on, a cold dread crept into Lucky. His tail, usually a constant blur of excitement, drooped. The old man’s breathing grew labored, his grip on Lucky’s collar loosening. Fear, a stranger to the loyal dog, began to gnaw at him.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows over their makeshift home. With a final, weak pat on Lucky’s head, the old man slipped away, his spirit departing into the twilight. The world, as Lucky knew it, shattered into a million pieces.

Alone, for the first time in his life, Lucky curled up beside his fallen companion. The city lights, once a distant spectacle, now seemed harsh and indifferent. The world outside continued its relentless march, oblivious to the loss within the cardboard box. As the night enveloped them, Lucky’s whimpers echoed in the silence, a mournful requiem for a life intertwined.
