Because we are stray dogs, we don’t get birthday wishes

Because we are stray dogs, we don’t get birthday wishes

Lucky and Bella were no ordinary birthday pups. Instead of warm beds and loving pats, their world was a harsh, concrete jungle. Today, their special day, found them wandering the city streets, their hopes as high as their tails.

Lucky, a scruffy terrier mix, was the eternal optimist. His tail wagged with relentless enthusiasm, even when his tummy rumbled with hunger. Today, he had a secret wish: maybe, just maybe, someone would offer him a scrap of cake or a gentle scratch behind the ears.

Bella, a sleek black cat with piercing green eyes, was more skeptical. Birthdays, to her, were just another day of searching for scraps and dodging traffic. Yet, a small part of her hoped for a little something extra today. Perhaps a warm ray of sunshine to bask in, or maybe, just maybe, a quiet moment of peace.

They wandered the city, their noses to the ground, alert for any sign of kindness. People rushed past, oblivious to their hopeful gazes. Children laughed and played, their carefree joy a stark contrast to the dogs’ lonely existence.

A little girl, no older than five, stopped to admire a bubble floating in the air. Lucky, ever the charmer, sat and gave her his best puppy-dog eyes. The girl giggled and blew a bubble towards him. It popped before reaching him, but it was a start.

Bella watched from a distance, unimpressed. She preferred the quiet alleys to the bustling streets. There, she found a discarded fish head. Not the most appetizing meal, but it would have to do.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the city, Lucky and Bella found a quiet spot under a bridge. They curled up together, their bodies offering warmth in the chilly night.

No cake, no presents, no birthday wishes. Just two stray souls, sharing the same bleak reality. Yet, as they drifted off to sleep, a flicker of hope remained. Maybe tomorrow would be different. Maybe tomorrow, their birthdays would be remembered.

For now, they had each other, and that, in their world, was the greatest gift of all.
