Today is our birthday but we have nothing to eat

Today is our birthday but we have nothing to eat

Milu and Milo were inseparable. Born on the same day, under the same roof, they had shared everything – warmth, milk, and the endless games of puppyhood. Their world was small, filled with the comforting scent of their mother and the soft rhythm of her heartbeat. But that world shattered when they were just a few weeks old. Abandoned in a cardboard box, they were left to fend for themselves in a world that seemed indifferent to their tiny lives.

Today, the sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, a canvas of beauty that held no meaning for the two puppies. It was their birthday, a fact they were blissfully unaware of. Hunger gnawed at their little bodies, a constant companion that overshadowed everything else. Their once plump bellies were now hollow echoes of their former selves.

Milu, the braver of the two, ventured out into the harsh world. The city was a cacophony of sounds and smells, overwhelming to their young senses. Cars honked, people rushed, and the world seemed to move at a dizzying pace. She returned, tail between her legs, empty-pawed.

Milo, smaller and more timid, huddled close to his sister, his whimpers a silent plea for food. They shared their warmth, their fear, and their hunger. The day wore on, a relentless march of time that brought no respite. As darkness enveloped the city, the two puppies huddled together, their bodies trembling, their spirits unbroken. In the quiet of the night, they dreamed of a full belly, a warm bed, and the love of a human. A dream as distant as the stars that twinkled above them.
