I’m in the hospital but no one comes to visit. It’s my birthday today

I’m in the hospital but no one comes to visit. It’s my birthday today

In a small, quiet room in the animal hospital, there lay a little dog named Zona. Zona wasn’t like the other dogs who barked and wagged their tails excitedly whenever someone walked by. Zona was tired, her small body weak from the many illnesses that had kept her in the hospital for what felt like forever.

Today was Zona’s birthday. She knew it because the kind nurse who took care of her had softly whispered it to her that morning. “Happy birthday, sweet Zona,” the nurse had said, giving her a gentle pat on the head. But as the day passed, Zona felt the weight of loneliness press down on her heart.

The hours ticked by slowly. The sun moved across the sky, casting long shadows on the sterile, white walls of Zona’s room. She lay there on her soft bed, her brown eyes fixed on the door, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone would come to visit her. But the door remained closed, and the room remained silent, except for the quiet beeping of the machines that monitored her condition.

Zona felt a tear roll down her furry cheek. She didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t help it. She was just a little dog, and all she wanted was to feel loved on her special day. She remembered the times before she got sick, when she could run and play outside, chasing after butterflies and barking at the birds. Those days felt like a distant memory now, as if they belonged to someone else.

She closed her eyes, trying to imagine that she was back in the park, feeling the warm sun on her fur and the cool grass under her paws. But the memory only made her heart ache more. She was all alone on her birthday, and no one had come to visit her.

Zona’s breathing was slow and steady, her small chest rising and falling with each breath. She tried to be brave, but the loneliness was too much. Another tear slipped out, followed by another, until she was quietly sobbing into her bed.

But then, just when she thought she couldn’t feel any sadder, she heard a soft sound—a faint tapping at the door. Zona’s ears perked up, and she lifted her head ever so slightly. Could it be? Was someone really coming to see her?

The door creaked open, and a warm, gentle light spilled into the room. Zona blinked, trying to see who it was. A small figure stepped into the room, moving slowly and carefully. Zona’s heart skipped a beat. It was a nurse, the same kind nurse who had wished her a happy birthday earlier. In her hands, she held a small, colorful gift bag.

“Hello, Zona,” the nurse said softly, kneeling beside her bed. “I brought you a little something for your birthday.”

Zona’s eyes widened in surprise as the nurse reached into the bag and pulled out a tiny stuffed toy. It was a little bear, soft and fluffy, with a bright red ribbon around its neck. The nurse placed it gently next to Zona, and then she stroked Zona’s fur, her touch warm and comforting.

“I know it’s hard being here, and I’m sorry you’re feeling so lonely,” the nurse continued. “But I want you to know that you’re not alone. I’m here with you, and I care about you very much.”

Zona looked up at the nurse, her heart swelling with gratitude. She nuzzled the little bear, feeling its softness against her nose. The nurse smiled, her eyes kind and full of love.

“I’ll stay with you for a while, if that’s okay,” the nurse said, sitting down beside Zona’s bed. “We can celebrate your birthday together, just you and me.”

Zona’s tail gave a small, hopeful wag. She wasn’t alone after all. Someone did care, and that made all the difference. She rested her head on the little bear, her tears drying up as she felt a warmth spread through her. It wasn’t the kind of birthday she had imagined, but it was still special, because she knew she was loved.

As the evening turned to night, Zona fell asleep with the nurse by her side, her heart full of peace. She dreamed of running in the park again, chasing butterflies and feeling the sun on her fur. And even though she was still in the hospital, Zona knew that she wasn’t alone, and that was the best birthday gift she could have ever received.
