Mum’s birthday wish, the puppy is only 2 months old.

Mum’s birthday wish, the puppy is only 2 months old.

Milu was a tiny ball of fluff, just two months old, with soft, golden fur and big, curious eyes that sparkled with life. Everything was new to her—the sounds of birds chirping outside, the feel of grass beneath her tiny paws, the warmth of the sun on her back. Every day was an adventure, filled with wonder and discovery.

Today was a special day for Milu, though she didn’t quite understand why. The air around her seemed to hum with excitement, and she could sense that something important was happening. It was her birthday, her very first one, and though she was still so young, Milu had a little wish in her heart.

As Milu lay in her cozy bed, surrounded by soft toys and a blanket that smelled of home, she felt a warmth inside her—a feeling of happiness and love. She thought of all the things that made her tail wag: the taste of her favorite treat, the sound of her human’s voice calling her name, the way the world felt like a big, safe place when she was nestled in the arms of someone who loved her.

Milu didn’t know much about birthdays or wishes, but if she could make one, it would be simple. She wished to always be surrounded by love, to always feel safe and cared for. She wished that every day could be filled with the joy she felt when she played in the sunshine, or when she snuggled up close to her favorite human at night.

As she drifted off to sleep, Milu’s tiny heart was filled with contentment. She didn’t need much—just the love of her family, the warmth of their touch, and the comfort of knowing she was cherished. That was Milu’s birthday wish: to always have a home where she was loved, where she could grow up safe and happy, with the people who meant the world to her.

And as she dreamed, her little tail wagged softly, as if she already knew that her wish was coming true. For Milu, the world was a bright, beautiful place, full of love and warmth, and that was all she needed to be happy.
