Today is a special day: My 7th birthday in the rescue camp.

Today is a special day: My 7th birthday in the rescue camp.

**Hiven’s Birthday Wish**

Today is a special day for me. My name is Hiven, and I’m 7 years old. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve spent almost my entire life in this rescue shelter. Six years—ever since I was just a tiny pup of one—waiting, hoping, and dreaming of the day when someone would come and take me home.

I can still remember the day I arrived here, though it feels like a lifetime ago. I was so young then, full of energy and hope, believing that it wouldn’t be long before I found a family to love me. But as the days turned into months and the months into years, that hope started to fade. It’s been so long since I felt the warmth of a home, the gentle touch of someone who cares just for me.

Every day, I watch as people come and go, looking for the perfect dog to take home. I’ve seen so many leave, their tails wagging with joy as they walk out the door with their new families. But for some reason, I’m always overlooked. Maybe it’s because I’m not a puppy anymore, or maybe it’s because I’ve grown a little gray around the edges. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m still here, still waiting.

Today, as I lie in my kennel, I can’t help but think about what it would be like to have a family again. I imagine a warm, cozy home with a soft bed just for me. I dream of a kind woman—a foster mother—who would take me for walks, scratch behind my ears, and tell me that I’m a good dog. I dream of feeling loved, of having someone who looks at me and sees more than just another shelter dog.

But as much as I try to hold onto that dream, it’s hard not to feel a little sad on my birthday. It’s been so long since I had a family, so long since I felt like I truly belonged. The volunteers here are kind, and they do their best to make me feel loved, but it’s not the same. There’s an emptiness in my heart that only a real home can fill.

Still, I haven’t given up hope. I know that somewhere out there, there’s a good foster mother who’s looking for a dog like me. Someone who will see past the years I’ve spent here and recognize the love I still have to give. Someone who will take me home and make me feel special, not just on my birthday, but every day.

So I’ll keep waiting, just like I have for the past six years. I’ll keep dreaming of the day when someone will come for me and I’ll finally have a place to call my own. And until that day comes, I’ll hold onto the hope that my special day is still out there, waiting for me.

Happy birthday to me, Hiven, the dog who still believes in love and the promise of a better tomorrow.
