Today is my 19th birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Today is my 19th birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it

Pame was a wise old dog, her fur tinged with gray and her eyes filled with a lifetime of experiences. Today was her nineteenth birthday, a milestone she had never imagined reaching. Yet, as the day wore on, a sense of loneliness crept into her heart.

She was used to being alone, having spent most of her life as a stray. But on her birthday, the loneliness seemed to intensify. She missed the companionship of other dogs, the playful nips and the friendly barks. She longed for the warmth of a human touch, the comforting sound of a familiar voice.

Pame wandered the streets, her tail drooping low. She’d hoped for a kind stranger to offer her a pat on the head or a scrap of food, but the city seemed indifferent to her plight. She watched as people hurried by, their eyes fixed on their phones, oblivious to her presence.

As the sun began to set, Pame found herself in a small park. She curled up in a sheltered corner, her body trembling slightly in the cold. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine a life different from her own. A life filled with love, laughter, and birthday celebrations. But the image faded quickly, replaced by the harsh reality of her existence.
