I know I’m not beautiful but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive everyone’s blessings

I know I’m not beautiful but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive everyone’s blessings

Kan was a gentle, brown Labrador Retriever with a unique feature: a large, black birthmark that covered half of his face. This mark often led to unwanted attention and negative comments. People would whisper about him, calling him “unlucky” and avoiding him altogether.

Today was Kan’s birthday, a day he’d always looked forward to. Usually, his human family would shower him with love and attention, but this year, the house was unusually quiet. There were no balloons, no birthday cake, and no cheerful party hats.

Kan went to the window and looked out at the sunny day. He watched the children playing in the park, their laughter filling the air. He longed to be among them, running and playing and feeling loved.

As the day wore on, Kan’s heart grew heavier. He curled up on his bed and sighed. He missed his family. He missed the feeling of being wanted and cherished. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he whimpered softly.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a faint scratching sound at the door. He wagged his tail hopefully and trotted over to investigate. To his surprise, the door was slightly ajar. With a hopeful heart, he pushed it open and stepped outside.

There, standing on the porch, was his family, each holding a present and a big, bright smile. They called his name, and he barked excitedly, his tail wagging furiously. They rushed over and showered him with love and affection.

Kan realized that even though he was different, he was still loved and appreciated. As he ate his birthday cake and played with his new toys, he knew that he was truly special, just the way he was.
