My parents abandoned me on my 10th birthday just because I was old, I cried a lot

My parents abandoned me on my 10th birthday just because I was old, I cried a lot

Joey was a loyal and loving dog. He had been a part of his family for ten years, and he had always been there for them, no matter what. But today, on his birthday, his family had abandoned him.

They had taken him to a shelter, saying that they couldn’t take care of an old dog anymore. Joey was heartbroken. He didn’t understand why they would do this to him, especially on his birthday.

As they drove away, Joey watched them through the window, his eyes filled with tears. He felt abandoned and alone. He missed his family, his old home, and the love and attention he had always received.

The shelter was a noisy and chaotic place. Dogs of all shapes and sizes barked and howled. Joey felt overwhelmed and scared. He missed the comfort of his own bed and the familiar smells of his home.

As the days turned into weeks, Joey tried to adjust to his new life. He made friends with some of the other dogs, but none of them could replace the love and comfort he had known. He missed the feeling of being wanted and loved. He missed his birthday celebrations and the sound of his parents’ voices.

Every day, Joey would look out the shelter window, hoping to see a familiar face. But it was always the same. He was alone, and he felt forgotten.
