I know I’m nothing special but I still hope to receive everyone’s love on my birthday today

I know I’m nothing special but I still hope to receive everyone’s love on my birthday today

Minute was a stray dog, a small, scruffy creature with a heart as big as the city. Today was his birthday, a day that most dogs celebrated with their loving families, but for Minute, it was a day of solitude. He was all alone, his only companions the harsh city streets and the indifferent passersby.

Minute had always dreamed of a home, a place where he could curl up on a soft couch, receive belly rubs, and hear kind words. But his reality was far different. He spent his days scavenging for scraps, finding shelter in abandoned buildings, and enduring the biting cold nights.

As the sun began to set, Minute found himself in a quiet park. He sat down beneath a tree, his head resting on his paws. A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying the scent of freshly cut grass. Minute closed his eyes, wishing for just a moment of companionship.

He thought of the happy dogs he had seen on television, wagging their tails and playing with their owners. A tear rolled down his cheek, a silent plea for love and acceptance. As the darkness deepened, Minute curled up into a ball and tried to sleep.

Suddenly, a soft sound caught his attention. He pricked up his ears and looked around. A small girl, no older than five, was approaching him. She knelt down and gently scratched behind his ears. “Hello there, little guy,” she said, her voice filled with kindness. “Happy birthday.”

Minute’s heart swelled with joy. He had never felt so loved before. The little girl spent the next few minutes playing with him, throwing a stick for him to fetch and giving him gentle pats. As they sat together in the twilight, Minute realized that even though he was a stray, he was not alone. He had found a friend, and that was all he had ever wanted.
