Today is my birthday but I feel sad because no one remembers it

Today is my birthday but I feel sad because no one remembers it

Jacki, a stray dog with a heart as big as the city, wandered the streets of Hanoi, her tail tucked between her legs. Today was her birthday, a day that most dogs celebrated with their families, but for Jacki, it was just another day of uncertainty and loneliness.

She had lived on the streets for as long as she could remember, scavenging for food, seeking shelter from the elements, and enduring the indifference of passersby. She’d learned to trust no one, to expect nothing but the harsh realities of life on the streets.

As the day wore on, Jacki watched the people walking past, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to her own solitude. She longed to be part of their world, to have a family and a home of her own. But she knew that was a dream far out of reach.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized how alone she was. No one had wished her a happy birthday, no one had offered her a kind word or a gentle pat on the head. She was just a lonely dog, lost in a big city, with nowhere to go and no one to love.
