Today is my birthday but also the day I was abandoned, I miss my mother so much

Today is my birthday but also the day I was abandoned, I miss my mother so much

Lu, a small, fluffy puppy with big, expressive eyes, sat huddled in a cardboard box, his tail tucked between his legs. Today was his birthday, a day that most puppies celebrated with their families, but for Lu, it was a day tinged with sadness and loneliness.

It was also the day he had been abandoned. He remembered the warmth of his mother’s fur, the comfort of her presence, and the sweet milk she had nursed him with. Now, he was all alone, scared and confused.

Lu tried to remember his mother’s face, but the image was blurry and indistinct. He missed her terribly, her comforting presence, her gentle touch. He whimpered softly, his small voice echoing in the empty alleyway.

As the day wore on, Lu watched the people walking by, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to his own solitude. He longed to be part of their world, to have a family and a home of his own. But he knew that was a dream far out of reach.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he realized how alone he was. No one had wished him a happy birthday, no one had offered him a kind word or a gentle pat on the head. He was just a lonely puppy, lost in a big city, with nowhere to go and no one to love.
