Today is my birthday but it is the last day I get to be with my family because my parents are going to take me to shelter

Today is my birthday but it is the last day I get to be with my family because my parents are going to take me to shelter

Duck was a dog cheerful, always wagging his tail and eager for a game of fetch. Today, however, his usual exuberance was replaced by a somber mood. It was his birthday, a day he typically celebrated with his family, but instead, he felt a sense of dread.

Duck knew that today was his last day with his beloved family. His parents, Sarah and Ben, had decided to take him to a shelter due to unforeseen circumstances. They loved him dearly, but they felt they could no longer provide him with the care and attention he needed.

As Duck played in the backyard, his heart ached with the realization of what lay ahead. He would miss his family’s love, the comfort of his home, and the freedom to roam the neighborhood. He longed for the familiar routine of his daily life.

Sara and Ben tried their best to make Duck’s last day a special one. They took him to his favorite park, played his favorite games, and gave him extra treats. But even their efforts couldn’t erase the sadness in Duck’s eyes.

As the sun began to set, Duck curled up on his favorite spot on the couch, his head resting on his paws. Tears welled up in his big, brown eyes. He knew he was loved, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of abandonment.

Sara and Ben sat beside him, their hearts heavy with sorrow. They tried to comfort Duck, assuring him that he would find a loving home at the shelter. But Duck could sense their sadness, and it only deepened his own.

As the day came to a close, Duck drifted off to sleep, his heart filled with a mixture of love and fear. He knew he was loved, but he was also terrified of the unknown. He could only hope that his new family would love him as much as his old one.
