Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers

Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers

Maka was a small, brown dog with big, soulful eyes. Today was his birthday, but he was far from celebrating. He wandered the streets of the city, his belly rumbling and his heart aching. He was alone, cold, and hungry.

Maka had always hoped that one day someone would adopt him. He would curl up on a cozy couch, receive belly rubs, and have a warm meal every night. But for now, he was just a stray, a forgotten creature in a vast, indifferent city.

As the sun began to set, Maka found a sheltered spot beneath a large tree. He curled up into a ball, his tail tucked between his legs. Tears welled up in his eyes. He missed having a family, a place to call home.

He remembered the birthday parties he had seen on television. Dogs were surrounded by their families, their tails wagging with excitement as they devoured their special treats. Maka sighed. It felt like a lifetime ago since he had experienced such joy.

As the night grew colder, Maka closed his eyes. He fell asleep, dreaming of a world where he was loved and wanted. Even though his birthday was filled with sadness and loneliness, he held onto a glimmer of hope that someday, his dream would come true.
