Today is my birthday, I hope to receive love from everyone

Today is my birthday, I hope to receive love from everyone

Bun was a tiny, scruffy puppy when he was abandoned. He’d been left in a cardboard box on a rainy night, shivering and alone. Since then, he had lived a solitary life, roaming the streets and scavenging for scraps.

Today was his birthday, a day that most puppies celebrated with joy and excitement. But for Bun, it was just another day of loneliness and uncertainty. He wandered aimlessly, his small paws padding softly on the cold pavement. He passed by a bakery, the sweet aroma wafting through the air. A small child pressed his nose against the glass, his eyes wide with longing. Bun paused, a pang of envy shooting through him. He had never tasted a treat, let alone a birthday cake.

As the day wore on, Bun’s spirits sank lower and lower. He found a sheltered spot beneath a parked car and curled up into a small ball. He closed his eyes, dreaming of a warm home, a loving family, and a birthday celebration filled with laughter and joy.

When he awoke, the first rays of dawn were beginning to pierce the darkness. A soft whimper escaped his lips. He was alone again, just a small, forgotten stray. As he stood up, stretching his tired limbs, Bun made a silent vow. He would never give up hope. One day, he would find a family who would love him, and he would have a birthday celebration that he would never forget.
