They think I’m unlucky but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive everyone’s love

They think I’m unlucky but today is my birthday, I still hope to receive everyone’s love

Shin was a jet-black puppy with soulful eyes. His dark coat often led to superstitious whispers, as many believed black cats and dogs were unlucky. Today was Shin’s birthday, but instead of the joy and celebration he hoped for, he was met with indifference and avoidance.

He wandered the streets, his tail drooping. He longed for a warm home, a loving family, and a birthday filled with treats and affection. But as he passed by houses and parks, he saw other dogs being showered with love and attention. Their owners would scratch their ears, throw balls for them to chase, and give them countless belly rubs.

Shin’s heart ached. He tried to approach people, hoping for a friendly pat or a kind word, but they would quickly look away or cross the street. It seemed as though his dark fur had made him invisible to them.

As the day wore on, Shin’s spirits sank. He found a quiet corner under a large tree and curled up, his tail tucked between his legs. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about how alone he was. Just when he thought his day couldn’t get any worse, he heard a soft rustling in the bushes.

A small, brown squirrel peeked out. It seemed to be watching Shin with curiosity. The squirrel scampered down the tree and approached Shin cautiously. It sat down beside him and began to nibble on a fallen acorn.

Shin watched the squirrel, a flicker of hope returning to his heart. Perhaps, he thought, even a small creature like a squirrel could find companionship. As he sat with the squirrel, he realized that true friendship wasn’t about appearances or luck. It was about kindness, understanding, and a shared connection. And in that moment, Shin found solace in the unexpected company of his furry little friend.
