Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it.

Today is my birthday but I am sad because no one remembers it.

Cazo was a sweet, soulful dog with a heart as big as the world. He lived in a quiet, cozy home, but there was one thing missing from his life: companionship. Today was his birthday, a day he had waited for eagerly, but as the sun rose and painted the sky with hues of pink and orange, Cazo felt a heavy weight settle in his chest. No one remembered.

Usually, birthdays were a time of celebration. He’d get a new toy, a special treat, and lots of belly rubs and cuddles. But this year, the house was eerily quiet. No cheerful greetings, no festive decorations, just the ticking of the clock and the distant hum of the city.

Cazo wandered from room to room, his tail drooping low. He sniffed at his empty food bowl, hoping for a surprise, but it was just as empty as his heart. He curled up on his favorite spot on the couch, his big brown eyes filled with longing. He remembered the birthdays he had shared with his previous family, the laughter, the joy, the love.

As the day wore on, Cazo’s spirits sank even lower. He felt forgotten, abandoned. He missed the warmth of a friendly hand, the comfort of a familiar voice. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he let out a mournful howl.

Just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a faint scratching sound at the back door. He jumped up and ran to investigate. There, standing on the porch, was a small, scruffy dog with bright, hopeful eyes. The dog wagged its tail excitedly and barked a friendly greeting.

Cazo approached cautiously, unsure of the stranger. But as the dog inched closer, Cazo felt a spark of recognition. It was a stray he had seen wandering the neighborhood. The dog seemed to understand Cazo’s loneliness, and it nuzzled up against him, offering comfort and companionship.

From that day forward, Cazo was no longer alone. He had found a friend, a companion who understood his pain and shared his joy. And though he would never forget the loneliness of his birthday, he would always cherish the memory of the day he found a friend who would never leave him.
