Today is a sad birthday for me, an unforgettable 7th birthday

Today is a sad birthday for me, an unforgettable 7th birthday

Once upon a time, in a cozy little house on the outskirts of town, there lived a black-furred dog named Max. Max’s birthday was always a special occasion, filled with joy, treats, and his favorite toys. However, this year was different.

The day of Max’s birthday arrived, but it felt like any other day. The sky was overcast, and a light drizzle fell continuously. Max waited eagerly by the door, his tail wagging in anticipation of the usual birthday surprises. But the house remained quiet.

Max’s family had forgotten his birthday. They were busy with their own lives, preoccupied with work, school, and errands. Max’s owner, Sarah, rushed out the door in the morning, promising herself she would remember later, but the day slipped by unnoticed.

As the hours passed, Max’s excitement turned into confusion and then sadness. He wandered around the house, his dark eyes glancing hopefully at the front door every now and then. The living room, usually filled with laughter and celebration on this special day, felt empty and cold.

Max curled up in his favorite spot by the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass. He thought about past birthdays, the times when he was showered with love and attention. The memories only deepened his melancholy.

As evening approached, Sarah finally came home, exhausted from a long day. She noticed Max lying quietly by the window, his usual spark missing. Guilt washed over her as she realized what day it was. She rushed to the kitchen, scrambling to put together a makeshift celebration.

But Max’s spirit had already been dampened. He appreciated the late attention, but the day had already felt like a missed opportunity. Sarah sat beside him, petting his soft, black fur, and whispered heartfelt apologies.

Max gave a small, forgiving wag of his tail, but the sadness lingered. It was a quiet, somber end to what should have been a joyous day. Max closed his eyes, hoping that next year would bring back the happiness he had always known on his birthday.
